Every passing day
brings us closer
to retirement

Do not ignore it, do not fear it, embrace it. It is a blessing and can be beautiful. You only need to plan for it early in life.

Do not ignore it, do not fear it, embrace it. It is a blessing and can be beautiful. You only need to plan for it early in life.

Our Retirement
Planning & Investment Process

The best retirement plans fail; if inadequately funded and poorly invested.

Defining your retirement

Your retirement age can depend entirely on your financial situation. Whether you aim to retire early or late, you need to plan for it and start preparing for the future. Not working should not necessarily mean lowering your standard of living.

Your relationship manager at Anneau will work with you to pre-define your ideal retirement age, based on your aspirations but most importantly, aligning them with your current and future income and net wealth. We need to understand where you would want to live and what type of lifestyle you want to build. What levels of recurring retirement income will thereon support this lifestyle? Using research and data backed  methodologies, Anneau will help you visualise your retirement with clarity and devise the most robust investment plan to achieve those retirement goals.

Formulating your plan

Building financial strength for your retirement is your goal. The Retirement Plan is the tool you will use to achieve your goal. Once the objective has been defined, your investment plan will discipline you to invest with patience and discipline.

A retirement plan should be reflective of your realistic needs once you are retired. As a rule, the earlier you start, the more you can save and invest with patience. The earlier you plan and invest, the higher the risks you can take to earn more attractive returns to build your nest egg faster. This is because you have more time to invest and so you are a real long term investor. The closer you are to retirement, the less risk you will be able to take and so the slower the build-up of your retirement account. Investment returns will invariably impact your retirement income to a significant extent. 

Implementing your Plan

Without disciplined implementation, no plan can be successful and no goal can be achieved. Hence the importance of you doing your best, day in-day out, to ensure that you are investing consistently with discipline, patience and riguor. 

Your retirement plan shall include flexible strategies that shall evolve as your professional and financial situation change over time. Anneau shall require you to monitor your retirement pool and bring changes to it depending on varying economic conditions. As you near retirement, your risk profile will change and your plan shall reflect those changes. Once retired, Anneau will continue to assist you to ensure that your investments are ideally invested for sustainable income generation such that you can reap an enjoyable and financially stable retirement.

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