Discover Your Investor Profiles

Your Investor Profile is Unique to you

With Anneau’s proprietary Risk Profiling methodology, your investment strategy is designed by considering your personal financial objectives, your current financial situation and your risk tolerance. Different profiles are designed for different types of Investors. This is a pre-requisite for your financial success and for the growth & preservation of your invested capital over time.


As a secured Investor, you seek minimal interest based income and are not at all concerned with capital growth. You do not want to take any risk whatsoever and prefer safeguarding your capital by growing it at the current deposit rates, which may or may not keep pace with inflation.​


As a conservative Investor, you seek attractive interest and dividend based income and are not concerned with significant capital growth. You aim to achieve investment returns slightly more  attractive than current deposit rates with minimal risks.

Moderately Conservative

As a moderately conservative Investor, you seek stability, interest and dividend based income and are less concerned with significant capital growth. You aim to achieve investment returns modestly more attractive than current deposit rates while assuming moderate investment risks.


You are a balanced long term investor aiming for both normal capital and income growth. You are aware of the fluctuations and the risks (which are still less volatile than that of the stock market) that this profile entails and are willing to accept this for potentially more attractive returns.

Moderately Aggressive

You are a moderately aggressive long term investor aiming for above average long term capital growth. You are aware of relatively higher fluctuations and the risks (which are still less volatile than that of the market) that this profile entails and are willing to accept this for potentially more attractive returns.


You are an aggressive long term investor aiming for high capital growth. You are aware of the relatively higher fluctuations and the risks (which are still less volatile than that of the stock market) that this profile entails and are willing to accept this for potentially more attractive returns. 

Extra Aggressive

You are an extra aggressive long term investor aiming for exceptional capital growth. You are aware of the relatively higher fluctuations and the risks (which are more volatile than that of the stock market) that this profile entails and are willing to accept this for potentially exceptional returns.


Pick a plan that best fits your risk appetite, risk tolerance and your investment objectives.

The following investment strategies are for illustrative purposes only. Your final investment strategy shall be selected and defined one you have filled in your Risk Profile Form (“RPF”) and Investment Policy Statement (“IPS”).

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You are a secured short term investor only aiming at capital preservation. You do not want to take any risks whatsoever and are looking for above deposit interest rates. You aim to achieve capital preservation coupled with attractive interest rates with no volatility.

No Risk Taking at all

Focus on Capital Preservation

No Concern for Capital Growth

Aim for Attractive Interest Rates

Short Duration Bonds/Notes




As a conservative Investor, you seek attractive interest and dividends based income and are not concerned with significant capital growth. You aim to achieve investment returns exceeding current deposit rates with minimal risks. You are not exposed to market volatility.

No Risk to Minimal Risk

Focus on Capital Preservation & Income

Low Concern for Capital Growth

Attractive Interest Rates & Dividends

Traditional Assets

Moderately Conservative



As a moderately conservative Investor, you seek stability, interest and dividends based income and are less concerned with significant capital growth. You aim to achieve investment returns in excess of current deposit rates while assuming moderate investment risks.

Moderate Risk Taking

Focus on Capital Preservation & Income

Concern for Capital Growth

Attractive Interest Rates & Dividends

Multi Assets




You are a balanced long term investor aiming for both normal capital and income growth. You are aware of the fluctuations and the risks (which are still less volatile than that of the stock market) that this profile entails and are willing to accept this for potentially more attractive returns.

Balanced Risk

Focus on Slight Capital Growth & Income

For Balanced Long Term Investors

Average Capital growth

Multi Assets

Moderately Aggressive



You are a moderately aggressive long term investor aiming for above average long term capital growth. You are aware of relatively higher fluctuations and the risks (which are still less volatile than that of the market) that this profile entails and are willing to accept this for potential more attractive returns.

Above Balanced Risk

Focus on Capital Appreciation

Moderately Aggressive Long.T. Investors

Aim for Above Average Returns

Multi Assets




You are an aggressive long term investor aiming for high capital growth. You are aware of the relatively higher fluctuations and the risks (which are still less volatile than that of the stock market) that this profile entails and are willing to accept this for potentially more attractive returns.

High Risk

Focus on High Capital Appreciation

For Aggressive Long Term Investors

High Returns

Multi Assets

Extra Aggressive



You are an extra aggressive long term investor aiming for exceptional capital growth. You are aware of the relatively higher fluctuations and the risks (which are more volatile than that of the stock market) that this profile entails and are willing to accept this for potentially exceptional returns.

Very High RIsk

Focus on Very High Capital Appreciation

For Super Aggressive Investors

Very high Returns

Single / Multi Assets

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